The sample object

  "id": "01hrsvk8xnj8vkt8p1e2tc1jt7",
  "credentialId": "01hrsvjp560yksep2a3bek3z97",
  "eventType": "credential_verified",
  "triggeredBy": "recipient",
  "triggeredAt": "2024-03-12T17:33:05.784Z"

Detailed information

PropertyTypeExample valueDescription
idstring"01hrsvk8xnj8vkt8p1e2tc1jt7"The unique credential interaction's identifier.
credentialIdstring"01hrsvjp560yksep2a3bek3z97"The unique credential's identifier, to which this credential interaction belongs.
eventTypestring"credential_verified"One of the possible values:

triggeredBystring"recipient"The actor that triggered this credential interaction. Currently one of two values: "recipient" or "guest". See Important Considerations section below.
triggeredAtstring"2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"The date and time when this credential interaction happened. Formatted as an ISO 8601 date and time string.

Important considerations

LocalStorage Reliance

This feature uses the browser’s LocalStorage to identify the actions made by the recipient of the credential. When the user accesses the page with ?isRecipient=true query parameter, the application saves that information in LocalStorage and removes the parameter from the URL. Actions taken afterwards in the same browser are recorded as the recipient’s, until the LocalStorage data is cleared.

If you are distributing the credential links independently and wish to track events as originating from the recipient, be sure to include the ?isRecipient=true parameter. Without this parameter, we won't be able to mark this person as the recipient, and their actions will be marked under the guest actor category.

This approach may not capture every scenario. For example, if a recipient opens a link with ?isRecipient=true on one device, then shares the link without the parameter (or opens it on a different device without the stored flag), those subsequent views will be categorized as guest. Similarly, if the user clears their LocalStorage or uses an incognito session, the system can no longer confirm that they are the recipient.